Australian Online Business Name Renewal & Registration
Apply to renew or register a business name in minutes right now! is Australia's first and only fully automated online non-government provided system for the renewal or registration of an Australian business name on the ASIC register.
Just click the red RENEW or REGISTER button and follow the prompts. Renewing or Registering a business name online is so quick and easy using, you can apply right now!
How this website fits in with the Australian Government's ASIC Business Name Service
On 28 May 2012, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ( ASIC or A.S.I.C ) took over the responsibility for business names from the various Australian state and territory governments. And in doing so A.S.I.C. built a website service where you are supposed to be easily able to register or renew a business name online at a cost of $44 for 1 year, and $102 for 3 years. However, many people found the A.S.I.C. website too hard to use, too confusing, error and bug ridden, going 'down' and too difficult to get through to for help. For example, see -
- the Sydney Morning Herald article of 31 July 2013 entitled Major hold-ups under new ASIC system;
- the itnews article of 28 June 2012 entitled ASIC register plagued by capacity, migration issues; and
- the Smart Company article of 6 August 2012 entitled Complaints mount over ASIC Business Name Register: ASIC admits it is plagued by delays and “technical errors”.
In addition, ASIC pro-actively contacted us and invited us to offer business name registration services (and later contacted us and invited us to offer business name renewal services) based around their 'machine to machine / m2m channel').
Accordingly, at great initial cost and effort (and with very large ongoing costs, overheads and effort), we, , built (and continuously maintain, update and improve) this easy to use, clear as a bell website to register or renew a business name on the A.S.I.C. register (with phone support, which you can easily access). And we,, charge a fee on top of the A.S.I.C. fee. So a 1 year renewal or registration through us,, costs $220 (the A.S.I.C/Govt. fee of $44 plus our charge of $176 including GST) and a 3 year renewal or registration through us,, costs $357 (the A.S.I.C. fee of $102 plus our charge of $255 including GST). And our software is recognized by A.S.I.C. And with A.S.I.C's knowledge and consent, our software electronically and automatically links through to the A.S.I.C business names register / computer, through an officially approved A.S.I.C electronic channel (which A.S.I.C calls their 'machine to machine / m2m channel'). vs. ASIC
Here is a table comparing various aspects of our service with the ASIC service. | ASIC | |
No need to first create an account? | Yes |
No (You first have to create an ASIC Connect account) |
Permanent Copy of Certificate of Registration Supplied? |
Yes (We specifically download the Certificate of Registration for you and save it as a pdf, and email you the Certificate of Registration as a permanent attachment to the email.) |
No (ASIC merely sends you an email with a link via which you are supposed to be able to download the Certificate of Registration yourself – but the link doesn’t always work and NEVER WORKS after 30 days as the link expires after 30 days!) |
Easy to use? |
Yes (You just click the red Register or Renew buttons, and follow the prompts) |
No See for example -
Not variously riddled with bugs, problems, errors and "technical issues" | Yes |
No (See for example ASIC's own page entitled "General ASIC Connect issues".) |
Clear instructions and guidance (there and then on the online web process, as you progress through the online web process)? | Yes |
No - it's frequently confusing Here are some indications of this -
No frustrating error messages during online interview? |
Yes |
No [See for example this screen shot (of 6 April 2016) of a red error message telling you to enter a valid ABN but giving you nowhere to enter it, and this 40 second video of an attempt (also on 6 April 2016) to get around it.] |
Helpline answered without having to choose options? |
Yes |
No [For example, here are the options we had to go through when we phoned the ASIC helpline on Thursday 17 March 2016 at 1:45pm Sydney time wanting to make an enquiry* - Recorded Message, then Option 1, then Option 1, then Option 2, then Option 3, then a recording that we'd been 'placed in a queue' and due to the high volume of calls it would take about '15 minutes', then music, then a recorded message containing some information regarding business names (which information was not relevant to the enquiry we were wanting to make), then music, and then (approximately ten minutes after selecting Option 3) we got through to a representative.] [*about a business name (our ref: Id 60631) which one part of the ASIC website (the 'Business names index' search result) said had been cancelled on 17 March 2016 and which another part of the ASIC website (the 'Pay now - business name renewal' system) said that ASIC was in the process of renewing it] |
Email support? |
Yes (via |
No (ASIC instead have one of those annoying online form based things - see this screen grab of it.) |
Website always available 24/7 including weekends? |
Yes |
No - often down for both scheduled an unscheduled maintenance |
Public facing website does NOT wrongfully block you outright from registering business names which you are entitled to register |
Yes (For example, in contrast to the example on the right but based on the same circumstances, our website does not block such an application but instead allows you to declare that the entity proposing to register the business name is the same entity that holds the nearly identical business name, and allows you to proceed to apply to register the desired business name - see attached screen grab.) |
No (For example, on 8 April 2016, our company, LEGAL-E (D.I.Y.) PTY LTD ABN 92 091 035 684, via the ASIC Connect Public Facing Website, started applying to register TRADINGAS.COM.AUS as a business name. But the ASIC Connect website, blocked it straight out, without mentioning any qualification or exceptions, and without mentioning any appeal rights or rights of review or 'workarounds', by unequivocally stating (as per the attached screen grab) as follows - Name is not available. TRADINGAS.COM.AUS is identical or nearly identical to a name already registered, or currently under application or review. This name will be rejected. We suggest you try another name. Identical or nearly identical name match TRADINGAS.COM.AU even though -
PayPal payment option? |
Yes |
No |
Amex card payment option? |
Yes |
No |
More Less |
- Check your business name availability by using this Business Name Search Tool: Business Name Search
- For related registered business name services [for example, 'transferring' a registered business name, renewing a registered business name, adding an ABN to a registered business name, ordering an A.S.I.C Key for a registered business name, creating an A.S.I.C Connect Account, linking a registered business name to an A.S.I.C Connect Account, changing an address (or adding an email address) for a registered business name, cancelling a registered business name, searching a registered business name], see this page of ours entitled 'Related Registered Business Name Services'.
- If you already have a registered business name and you would like us to renew its registration, you can very easily, quickly and without fuss do so via the following page of ours: Renewal of A Registered Business Name. Please note that you can use this business name renewal service of ours, even if you didn't originally register the business name through us /, and even if you just have/had a state or territory based registered business name (through Consumer Affairs or Fair Trading), and even if you haven't yet got your ABN linked to your registered business name, and even if you haven't received or have lost your renewal notice/letter, and even if you don't know the Account number for the business name, and even if you never got, or haven't got, or have lost your A.S.I.C Key for the business name, and even if you don't have an A.S.I.C Connect account for the business name, and even if you don't have the business name linked to an A.S.I.C Connect account, and even if you want to pay via Amex or PayPal (instead of merely Visa or MasterCard) - phew!