About us

The company 'behind' TradingAs.com.au -

TradingAs.com.au is a registered trading name (registered business name) of -
Legal-E (D.I.Y.) Pty Ltd
ACN 091 035 684
ABN 92 091 035 684

Established -

TradingAs.com.au was established in 2012, but the company behind it, Legal-E (D.I.Y.) Pty Ltd, was established in 1999.

Digital encryption security provider -

Sectigo Secure

Email address -


Customer help number -

1300 653 373
(Local call price from a landline from anywhere in Australia.)
(Answered from 9am to 5pm Sydney/Melbourne Time, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays))

Bankers -

Westpac Banking Corporation

Solicitors, and Patent and Trademark Attorneys -

MLC Centre
Martin Place
NSW 2000

Related sites -

Both the following sites are owned by the same parties which own TradingAs.com.au -

Incorporator.com.au (Australia's only triple awarding winning online company registration system)